Sunday, June 20, 2004

What to say...

Throughout the last few days (and all my life) I have found that I have a hard time communicating exactly what I'm thinking to people. This also seems exceptionable challenging when trying to give advice to people or help them figure out solutions in a hard situation. I always know what I'm thinking, but getting that across in a version is always the hard part. Of course this is not always the point, but it seems when critical moments occur I don't know what to say. For example, just writing this post is hard for me to find the exact words to explain my thoughts and I find myself getting frustrated because it is not coming out how I would please. This inability to offer help to people is very vexing to my extreme desire to help others. When it comes down to I wish people could just see right into my mind to know exactly what I want to say to them. The only good thing I can harvest out of these situations is a humbling experience, which of course I am grateful to God for. Perhaps the reason I am not a good communicator at crucial moments is that people just need someone to listen to what they have to say. Also perhaps deep down I know what I could say wouldn't help or could cause either of us to stumble. Either case could be true, but try telling that to my overactive need to help. I guess the two meanings for this post is to help people understand me (more to come on this) a tad better and to say to all the others out their who struggle with communication that your not alone.


Blogger Karl said...

You're not alone here....just the other day I had lunch with one of the "Emerging church" guys and was not happy with my bumbling, incoherent way of talking.

I suppose we have Moses and Paul to look up to. They couldn't articulate their thoughts verbally as well as they would have liked, but they seemed to have done ok!

6/20/2004 10:08:00 PM  

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